May 6 LOCS (CDC) Email

Subject: Lab Advisory: CDC Posts New Information about Serology Testing for COVID-19
Audience: Clinical Laboratory Professionals
Level: Laboratory Advisory
CDC recently posted a new web page to provide information about the CDC serology (antibody) test for coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This test has been validated for surveillance and research purposes to support the CDC surveillance strategy for the pandemic response.
CDC is also collaborating with other government agencies to evaluate commercially developed serology assays. More information about these studies can be found on the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) web page.
Online resources:
- Clinical Laboratory COVID-19 Response Weekly Calls
- CDC's Laboratory Outreach Communication System (LOCS)
- COVID-19 Information for Laboratories
- CDC COVID-19 website
- Register for CDC Health Alert Network (HAN) notifications, including updates about COVID-19. Enter your email address, search for HAN, and sign up